FeedNews preview

Read the news as it happens from different sources, watch YouTube and manage your todo's all in one place! Join us now on your Desktop, Tablet and phone - Contribute at GitHub


Privacy Policy

Feednews.me cares about Privacy. We only ask for information that we need to make a sign in possible, and only keep information that is required to make things work. This is how we handle personal data:

What personal data is stored?

  • Your username, email and one-way encrypted password
  • Your notes
  • Your Todo list
  • The feeds you add
  • The feed-items you add manually
  • What feed-items you have pinned
  • Your IP-address only when you register and login for security reasons.
  • An url to your Facebook/Google avater if you use those platforms to login

Who has access to your data?

The above mentioned data is accessible to yourself when you sign in, and to the webmaster of FeedNews. We do not share any data with anyone.

Data storage purposes

The above mentioned data is saved on our server so you can access your feeds, notes, todo lists from any device from any location. When you login with Facebook or Google we will also save your avater url so we can display your avatar picture in the top right of the desktop website.

Am I being tracked?

We only save the date of your last login in case we need to wipe data in the future, but we don't use any trackers, or embeds that might track you. We only set a cookie to check your login state, but we don't save anything else.

We might add Google Analytics in the future, but with the option to anonymize data first before sending it to Google's servers. That way, YOU personally won't tracked, but we still get to see what functionality get's used the most and what not.

If we ever going to ad any Ad services to our site (that we don't plan to do) we will only show them if you accept to be tracked if you sign in.

Is my data secure?

We run on the latest, updated versions of Laravel, PHP 8 and CentOS. The frameworks we use are continuous monitored by GitHub for any security issues and we fix them as soon as we hear about them. If for some case our data get's stolen, passwords are encrypted in a way that they cannot be recovered. If you know coding, you can see what we do in our source code on Github.

Can my data be removed?

We will soon at a feature to remove data with a simple click, for now. Please contact us at peter@petervdam.nl with your email address. And your data will be removed within 48 hours.

How long is my data saved

If we notice that you haven't signed in for a couple of months, the webmaster will manually delete all your content. This includes your email address and all data you've added during your usage.

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